Meet a Guide: Kutzi Priest
As we wrap up Shape of Time—the last in a series of
back-to-back special exhibitions our guide corps toured—and catch our breath following a busy spring of school tours and a strong Art in Bloom weekend, we enter a season to reflect and recharge. The articles in this edition help us do just that and include thoughts from fellow guides on tour formats, recent exhibition experiences, and new acquisitions. Our public and private tour assignments continue through the summer, but as the July Tour of the Month “Summer Vacation” theme suggests, we also hope everyone can break away for some R&R, too.
Enjoy this issue’s stories—and summer!
Summertime (closeup) , 1955 • Joseph Stefanelli
Oil on Canvas • Gift of Dr. Paul Ganz • 61.11
Credit: Minneapolis Institute of Art
A Note of Farewell
As we complete a second year of publication of Insight,
our Mia Guides newsletter, I would like to offer a note of thanks and
farewell as I step down as co-editor.
In 2022 we emerged from the pandemic, a newly formed corps of
Mia Guides, and plunged back into in-person touring. This newsletter
emerged also, as a voice and a source of information for all of us.
I have appreciated working with the enormously talented Shawn Gilliam
and Marne Zafar on this endeavor, and also appreciate the support of
Kara, Debbi and the entire Guide Council. And most of all, I thank everyone
who has contributed their time, energy and knowledge to write for INSIGHT
– I’ve learned so much about the museum, about art, and about touring
from all of you.
I would also like to welcome Martha Bordwell, who will be joining the
INSIGHT team as the new co-editor to continue this work with Shawn
(co-editor) and Marne (publisher/designer). Thank you, Martha, for
jumping on board!
Meg Ubel